How to Prevent Flu

Causes of flu

Influenza or flu can be caused by three types of flu viruses, namely influenza A, influenza B, and influenza C. In contrast to colds that can occur throughout the year, flu cases are usually more seasonal and many are caused by influenza type A and B. Medications for flu and influenza can be easily obtained after consulting a doctor or by buying drugs at a pharmacy or Canadian Pharmacy Online.

Flu and influenza can be the entry point for other diseases that are more dangerous and disturbing, because when we get flu, our body’s defense system for diseases starts to decline, whatever the disease is, immediately consult a doctor so that they can get proper treatment, take care of your health with exercise and eat nutritious food so that your body is strong and not susceptible to disease.

The method of transmission of flu is the same as a cold, which is by inhalation of water containing the flu virus into the body. Unlike the common cold, flu can develop into a more serious disease such as pneumonia. This is particularly vulnerable to young people, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with weak immune systems such as asthma, heart disease, or diabetes.

Some steps we can take to prevent the transmission of flu are:

  • Maintain cleanliness.
  • Always wash hands, for example before eating or after traveling.
  • Closes the mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.
  • Wear a mask when traveling (especially for users of public transportation) or when around flu patients.
  • Ensure that the body receives adequate vitamin intake and nutrition and is balanced.
  • Enough rest.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain fluid intake.
  • Influenza vaccination

People who are often exposed to influenza viruses, such as health workers, people who live in homes with sufferers, and caregivers of children aged 6-23 months.

Influenza immunization is also given to healthy children aged 6-23 months.

Vaccination in children can be done since they are six months old with the frequency of repetition once a year. In children and adults with a low immune system, giving is only given twice a month after the first vaccine administration.

Although influenza vaccines are recommended for almost everyone, there are certain conditions that are not recommended to receive influenza vaccines, including:

  1. People who experience severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) in previous vaccines.
  2. People who after eating eggs experience swelling in the lips or tongue, or experience respiratory distress or fainting.
  3. Someone who is experiencing a high fever.

Side effects of influenza vaccines include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, and headaches. While the rare side effects are sneezing, shortness of breath, ear pain, and itching. You can visit “Canadian Pharmacy” to find relevant information.