3 Things To Know If You Are Planning On Working Abroad During Your Gap Year

Whether you want to enhance your CV with some unique experience, see the world a little more or just take a break, working abroad shows future employers that not only have you got valuable life experience, but you have something which sets you ahead of everyone else. A lot of gap year work tends to run for 3-6 months, but some people choose to stay for a year or longer whilst they make the most of their opportunity. Whilst this is great and you should definitely take the chance if it ever arises, there are some things you should know and keep in mind if you do work overseas during your gap year.

Learn About The Country’s Culture

Different countries have hugely different cultures and before you go anywhere, you should research the culture and traditions. If the country is very religious, then you will need to know what is acceptable when it comes to the way you dress or what time prayer is held, as this may have an effect on your work life. You should also look at the work culture in that country, as this also varies on where it is you’re heading. Workplace culture differs across the globe, such as how late you can acceptably be to a meeting, when you respond to work emails or even when you take a coffee break.

Understand The Conditions Of Your Visa

Remember, depending on the type of visa you hold, you may need to return back to your home country if you leave your job or are fired. Often, you can’t start to look for another job elsewhere, so ensure that you know and understand the rules and guidelines surrounding your visa. Each country has different types of visas, depending on the work you intend to do and how long you are planning on being in the country for.

If you are planning on working in the UK, then immigration lawyers London based are on hand if you need assistance when it comes to nationality or immigration. Typically, employers should take responsibility for obtaining a work visa for you due to the complicated process that is involved and if your employer doesn’t offer to guide you through the process, then be wary. They may need to apply for tier 2 visa sponsors, which is a standard procedure when employing foreign workers from certain countries, so if you have any questions, be sure to ask them.

Prepare For The Language Barrier

Before you move, try to learn some of the basic conversational skills so that you can navigate your way through the necessities when you first arrive. Whilst your skills may not be perfect, they will go a long way when it comes to asking questions or finding out information. One of the biggest learning points is when it comes to interpreting accents or slang and these can often get lost in translation, so try not to worry if you don’t get it right away! As long as you know the basics, then you will pick it up as you go along.