Myths To Debunk Before Starting A Nutrition Business

The recent rise in fitness and health culture has seen a growing encouragement to enter the nutrition industry for many entrepreneurs and SME’s. The issue is, although many nutritionists have the knowledge of their industry, they don’t necessarily have the business knowledge to make it successful. Because of this, many nutritional experts are left in the shadows. This article will help to demystify some common myths around running a successful business and how to overcome the myths.

  1. An offer’s required to gain clients

This may have been instrumental in the market around 20 years ago, but this isn’t the case now. What most customer’s look for in a service and business now is the satisfaction that their problem has been resolved. Simply put, you just need to understand a clients’ problem and attract them by showing them how you can solve them. This is what your main focus is as a nutrition consultant – if you don’t have clients with problems then you’re unlikely to have a successful business.

  1. You’re overconfident with knowing about your clients’ needs

Making assumptions of your clients’ needs is the reason most nutritional based businesses fail. In today’s business, you need to be able to listen and be open to the information you receive. Ask plenty of questions to get right down to the bone of what your client is expecting from you. Conduct effective research on your clients’ needs and even go beyond what’s expected of you to extend your reach of potential new clients.

  1. A business plan is required to start your business

There’s a huge difference between having a business plan and having a business strategy. Although a business plan is ideal to follow a structure and path for the future, unfortunately, the future is unpredictable. Where your focuses should lie is in testing. There are different business models that you can follow and which one you choose will be determined by the research you conduct and the needs of your clients and business. One day, there may be a surge to purchase fish oil capsules, but 6 months down the line another form of health supplement will be the new thing on the market and high strength fish oil may lose demand. Things you need to consider will be elements such as target market, problems within the market, how can the problem be solved, how the solution can be offered and the reasons it’s likely to work.

  1. Marketing is required

This isn’t necessarily the case. It can be heavily argued that marketing only works with companies that have been established and growing well. If you have customers that are already paying, there is a business strategy in place and your offer works, marketing is the tip of the iceberg to bring it all together. Essentially, marketing is important but it’s only successful when you have a business to market. If you can get the basics right first in providing solutions, the marketing will follow successfully.

The next step…

Now’s the time to get on the phone and find out what the real problems are that your potential clients face. Dig deep into their problem and how they wish for it to be resolved and in doing so, it can begin your journey to a successful business.

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