A cash advance is essentially a service offered by most major credit card and loan companies. The service allows cardholders to obtain money, either via internet access or at a physical location, up to some specified limit up to an agreed-upon period. For a credit card, that would be the available credit limit. These services can also be found online for those who prefer not to deal with a traditional bank.
These services can be found in several forms. For example, advance cash providers may allow a customer to complete a cash transaction without actually receiving a loan in their bank account. In this instance, the loan request is placed by the customer on the website of the provider, and the funds are directly deposited into the customer’s account within hours. Alternatively, some services may use an automated service that deposits the requested funds into a specified account on the website.
Available to Virtually Everyone
Instant cash loans are available to virtually everyone. To apply, the consumer goes online to one of the many websites that offer these types of loans. The website will ask the user to provide information regarding their bank accounts or other specified requirements. Typically, one needs to open a checking or savings account, and sometimes even a debit card.
Once the basic personal information is received and processed, the applicant can access an instant cash advance online by clicking on the “apply now” button. In many cases, the applicant can then choose from several different loan options, each with its fee schedule. Most online loan providers also feature a free no-obligation quote feature where a consumer can get an instant assessment of how much money will be charged for their loan. This allows users to compare different loan options easily before choosing the best option.
Simple Applying Process
Applying for payday loans is quite simple. In some cases, the application can be completed in a few minutes. In some instances, however, users may have to fax information or submit copies of their paycheck stubs or government-approved documents. Some online payday loan companies do not require any collateral for this type of loan. Users can rest assured that they can receive instant cash without having to give any security information or have to worry about being stuck with a high-interest rate loan.
One of the advantages of getting an instant payday loan is that it allows users to complete their financial obligations on time. Rather than waiting days or longer for a traditional loan to be processed, payday loans are often processed within an hour. Moreover, when getting cash advance loans online, the consumer needs only to complete the loan application. Then, the funds are directly deposited into the customer’s designated checking or savings account. There is no need for a second form of identification or verification, and no faxing of financial documents is required.